Monday, August 27, 2012

Quirky Author Thoughts: Introducing . . . SALVATION

I first met Salva and Beth in the middle of a collision. Papers, pencils, the contents of Beth’s backpack, and point of view everywhere!

Yet neither of them bothered to introduce themselves. Oh, no; they were both far too busy telling me about each other. According to her, he was one of those “patronizing—and annoyingorganized people.” And according to him, she was “the walking disaster area.”

There was plenty of evidence to support both claims. Though I got no names out of that collision, and I had no idea there was a book coming.

I didn’t find that out until Pepe shoved Salva into the prologue. Pepe is Salva’s best friend, and he’s pretty certain he knows what Salva needs: by this I mean who Salva should date, what sport he should play, what he should do with his life, where he should go to college, and when Salva should be brave enough to introduce himself to an author—aka yours truly—and demand that author write his story.

In this case, Pepe was right: Salva has a heck of a story.

If I wanted to be cheesy, I could pitch it as “Perfect Chemistry meets Romeo & Juliet;” but then you’d assume you know the end. And you don’t.

Because you can’t. Until you know Salva & Beth.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Salvation, Exile, and Judgmental Cats

Check out my new website updates at! Highlights include info about my new book, Salvation—complete with an awesome photo on the What’s Next page; as well as a brand new awards page; and reviews for Exile! Plus, don’t miss the row of cat judges on the new “reviews” link. Are my web designers incredible or what?